The Warren Woods Tower Drama Club production of A Christmas Carol directed by Amy Ricker is premiering soon! Amy Ricker, the new director, has taken this classic play and updated it in a more modern time period for a fresh retelling.
Sydney Mach ‘19 is playing the lead role of Meredith Priestly.“It’s really appealing because it can be relatable to our time,” Mach said concerning the upcoming play.
The production will be performed at 7 p.m. on December 2nd & 3rd and on December 4th at 2 p.m. at the WWT auditorium. Tickets will be sold at $8 for adults and $5 for students and seniors.
As the date comes closer the Drama Club will soon be plastering the walls of Tower with the production poster created by Jon Forbush ‘17. This was the first time a contest was held to create the official poster to be used for the school’s play. His design hit all the guidelines needed and won with its style.
A Christmas Carol Cast:
Evan Mach
Billy Darling
Lucas Parker
Melvin Jewsbury & Mr. Priestly
Jenna Davis
Melissa Barclay
Emily Sztajer
Tiffany Bainbridge
Amy Ricker
Gwendolyn Cheswick
Mariya Benson
Katrina Fortune
Little Melissa, Ms. Delia Chenault
Myles Baber
Patrick Prince
Eryn Majur
Elizabeth Barclay
Caroline Scheall
Mrs. Priestly
Emily Harrison
Vinny Jurban
Monty Foley
Monika Szbat
Lydia Ivey
Sydney Mach
Meredith Priestly
Chauntal Dean
Serena Fain
Camille Moore
Carstens Gregersen
Julie Kastelan
Little Meredith, Beggar Woman
Erica Geml
Patty Prince
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